Role: Art Director, Designer
Client: Burridge Center for Finance
Medium: Print, Digital, Social
Year: 2023
Client: Burridge Center for Finance
Medium: Print, Digital, Social
Year: 2023

Project Overview
This campaign was designed to demystify the finance industry and showcase the breadth of career paths in finance available to business students in order to increase access, awareness and receptivity to resources within the Burridge Center for Finance at the University of Colorado Boulder. The stakeholder wanted to highlight lesser-known sectors of finance as well as personalize the field with stories from prominent alumni working in finance.

Target audience
Primary: first and second year business students, including students who have declared finance as their area of emphasis (but are unsure what specific path they want to pursue), as well as students who are curious about finance and have not declared their area of emphasis
Secondary: prospective undergraduate students who may be considering Leeds for their bachelor’s degree
Tertiary: external audiences, primarily board members and alumni who want to be engaged and hope to funnel talent into their industries by showcasing their own career path (being visible with students)

Creative Process
As art director and designer on this campaign, Honey worked closely with a senior writer and the executive director of the Burridge Center for Finance to understand the objective of the campaign and develop messaging and imagery that felt sophisticated but differentiated from the deluge of school-branded marketing our target audiences receive.
Honey developed many rounds of visual ideas and landed on a visual identity that contextualized the messaging in campus imagery while interpreting the brand restrictions in a fresh way with black and white photography and pops of color. This approach resonated with our broad spectrum of target audience groups—sophisticated yet edgy.

Challenges & Outcomes
One challenge the team encountered in developing this campaign was managing our relationship with a stakeholder whose priorities and focus shifted frequently, creating project creep and frustration amongst contributors. We managed this by restructuring our stakeholder meetings from presenting options and soliciting stakeholder feedback to presenting a fully baked visual identity and campaign strategy and vying for a sign-off.
Ultimately, shifting priorities within the Burridge Center for Finance drained this campaign of momentum and resources and we were unable to roll out all of the stages we intended. The team still felt proud of this work and we ran digital and print signage around the school for our primary audience.